Our goal, through Faith Formation, is to reinforce and enhance the Catholic faith and moral values first learned in the home.

Religious Education Classes 

Our calendar year begins with Catechetical Sunday in September with the commissioning of our Catechetical Staff; all volunteers have completed the Safe Environments Program mandated by the Diocese of Norwich.
A required year of introductory instruction is followed by a year of preparation for reception of the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Eucharist and then Confirmation.
Classes take place on Sundays mornings at St. Mary and Ss. Thomas & Anne and on one weekday evening at St. Catherine, Sept.- May.

Youth Ministry

We are in the process of establishing a youth ministry that we hope to have up and running the first quarter of 2025. This ministry is being spearheaded by Gary Gagne. Shawn Hill and Dylan Coutu. Watch for upcoming announcements in the parish bulletin.

Family Faith Formation 

In an effort to assist families in working on their faith together at home or in a group we will, from time to time, be offering programs for your use.

We are pleased to announce that using funds from the Pucel Memorial Fund for evangelization we have been able to activate a subscription to Formed, a web-based service providing award-winning studies and parish programs, inspiring audio content, movies, e-books, and family-friendly kids' programming. 

As a parish sponsored service, any parishioner from one of our parishes who wants to use it can sign up at no charge to them.

The procedure for establishing an account is below. The zip code used for the parish account with Formed is 06351. All three parishes will use the same zip code for this so we did not have to establish three separate accounts with the expense involved.

Signing up for Formed is quick and easy.  Just follow the simple instructions below.  

  • Go to
  • Search for your parish by Zip Code/ Postal Code. Click on your parish.  
  • Register with your name and email address
  • Check that email account for a link to begin using Formed