The small church community consists of a group of 6-12 individuals who meet at least twice a month for several hours to share their life experiences and to grow in their faith while getting to know group members. A trained leader chosen from the group acts as the facilitator.
The main components of an SCC are reflection and education, mutual support and caring, prayer and worship, and Scripture and service to one another and to the parish.
Small Church Communities help us to discover and honor our own life experiences and to connect them to our faith through sharing on the scriptures.
You are invited to join an SCC and reap its benefits, some of which are participating in a personal, supportive environment with a sense of belonging, having the opportunity to be listened to in a trusting and non-judgemental atmosphere, sharing your life and faith experiences, deepening your own sense of the connection of life and faith, having your abilities and talents encouraged and appreciated, and feeling supported during trying times and sharing joys during happy times.