Diocesan Reorganization Filing

Dear Parishioners,

Today Bishop Cote announced that the Diocese of Norwich has filed for bankruptcy.
This link "Reorganization Letter "  will bring you to a copy of the letter from Bishop Cote explaining more about the bankruptcy.  In addition, there is a website providing information about what bankruptcy means for the Diocese and what the process will be during the coming months.  The link for the website is: https://www.norwichdiocese.org/Reorganization

Certainly one question that comes to the forefront in this is: What does this mean for us and our parishes?

First and foremost, our parishes will continue on.  Masses will still be celebrated.  Sacraments will be administered.  Ministries will continue.  The Saint Mary Food Pantry will continue to provide food.  Religious education for children and teenagers will start up again in September, as usual.  The life of the parishes will go on.

The journey ahead will have its difficult moments.  We will hear of news and disclosures and decisions and processes.  Throughout this whole journey, I ask for your prayers for the victims and survivors of sexual abuse and for the people of the Diocese of Norwich.  God will guide us, comfort us, and empower us during the coming months if we allow Him to do so. 

Fr. Ted Tumicki
Office of the Pastor
Rev. Ted Tumicki
Holy Spirit Catholic Community
St. Mary, Jewett City
St. Catherine, Preston
Ss. Thomas and Anne, Voluntown


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